Mailman 3 Re: [Distutils] Handling the binary dependency management problem

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Mailman 3 Re: [Distutils] Handling the binary dependency management problem

2023-04-07 09:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Chris Barker 3 Dec 2013 3 Dec '13 5:18 p.m.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:48 AM, Nick Coghlan [email protected] wrote:


Because it already works for the scientific stack, and if we don't provide any explicit messaging around where conda fits into the distribution picture, users are going to remain confused about it for a long time.

Do we have to have explicit messaging for every useful third-party package out there?


I'm still confused as to why packages need to share external dependencies (though I can see why it's nice...) .

Because they reference shared external data, communicate through shared memory, or otherwise need compatible memory layouts. It's exactly the same reason all C extensions need to be using the same C runtime as CPython on Windows: because things like file descriptors break if they don't.

OK -- maybe we need a better term than shared external dependencies -- that makes me think shared library. Also even the scipy stack is not as dependent in build env as we seem to thin it is -- I don't think there is any reason you can't use the "standard" MPL with Golke's MKL-build numpy, for instance. And I"m pretty sure that even scipy and numpy don't need to share their build environment more than any other extension (i.e. they could use different BLAS implementations, etc... numpy version matters, but that's handled by the usual dependency handling.

The reason Gohke's repo, and Anoconda and Canopy all exist is because it's a pain to build some of this stuff, period, not complex compatibly issues -- and the real pain goes beyond the standard scipy stack (VTK is a killer!)


Conda solves a specific problem for the scientific community,

well, we are getting Anaconda, the distribution, and conda, the package manager, conflated here:

Having a nice full distribution of all the packages you are likely to need to great, but you could so that with wheels, and Gohlke is already doing it with MSIs (which don't handle dependencies at all -- whic is a problem).


but in their enthusiasm, the developers are pitching it as a general purpose packaging solution. It isn't,

It's not? Aside from momentum, and all that, could it not be a replacement for pip and wheel?


Wheels *are* the way if one or both of the following conditions hold:

you don't need to deal with build variants you're building for a specific target environment

That covers an awful lot of ground, but there's one thing it definitely doesn't cover: distributing multiple versions of NumPy built with different options and cohesive ecosystems on top of that.

hmm -- I'm not sure, you could have an Anoconda-like repo built with wheels, could you not? granted, it would be easier to make a mistake, and pull wheels from two different wheelhouses that are incompatible, so there is a real advantage to conda there.


By contrast, conda already exists, and already works, as it was designed *specifically* to handle the scientific Python stack.

I'm not sure we how well it works -- it works for Anoconda, and good point about the scientifc stack -- does it work equally well for other stacks? or mixing and matching?


This means that one key reason I want to recommend it for the cases where it is a good fit (i.e. the scientific Python stack) is so we can explicitly advise *against* using it in other cases where it will just add complexity without adding value.

I'm actually pretty concerned about this: lately the scipy community has defined a core "scipy stack":

Along with this is a push to encourage users to just go with a scipy distribution to get that "stack":


I think this is in response to a years of pain of each package trying to build binaries for various platforms, and keeping it all in sync, etc. I feel their pain, and "just go with Anaconda or Canopy" is good advise for folks who want to get the "stack" up and running as easily as possible.

But it does not server everyone else well -- web developers that need MPL for some plotting , scientific users that need a desktop GUI toolkit, pyhton newbies that want iPython, but none of that other stuff...

What would serve all those folks well is a "standard build" of packages -- i.e. built to go with the builds, that can be downloaded with:

pip install the_package.

And I think, with binary wheels, we have the tools to do that.


Saying nothing is not an option, since people are already confused. Saying to never use it isn't an option either, since bootstrapping conda first *is* a substantially simpler cross-platform way to get up to date scientific Python software on to your system.

again, it is Anoconda that helps here, not conda itself.



how about a scientist that wants wxPython (to use Chris' example)? Apparently the conda repo doesn't include wxPython, so do they need to learn how to install pip into a conda environment? (Note that there's no wxPython wheel, so this isn't a good example yet, but I'd hope it will be in due course...)

Actually if only it were as simple as "install pip', but as you point out, there is no wxPython binary wheel, but if there were, it would be compatible with the python, and maybe not Anoconda (would conda catch that?)

Looks like the conda stack is built around msvcr90, whereas


Python 3.3 is built around msvcr100. So conda is not interoperable *at all* with standard Python 3.3 on Windows :-(

again, Anaconda the distribution, is not, but I assume conda, the package manager, is. And IIUC, then conda would catch that incompatibly if you tried to install incompatible packages. That's the whole point, yes? And this would help the recent concerns from the stackless folks about building a pyton binary for Windows with a newer MSVC (see pyton-dev)

- if there's no wheel

... and you can't build it from source yourself then you can try "pip install conda && conda init && conda install

" as a fallback option. And then we encourage the conda devs to follow the installation database standard properly (if they aren't already), so things installed with conda play nice with things installed with pip. It sounds like we also need to get them to ensure they're using the right compiler/C runtime on Windows so their packages are interoperable with the standard installers.

maybe we should just have conda talk to PyPi?

As it stands, one of the POINTS of Anoconda is that it ISN'T the standard installer!

But really, this just puts us back in the state that we want to avoid -- a bunch of binary-incompatible builds out there to get confused by -- again thouhg, at least conda apparently wont let you install binary incompatible packages...

However, there haven't been any compelling examples presented other


than the C runtime (which wheel needs to handle as part of the platform tag and/or the ABI tag) and the scientific stack,

Again, I'm pretty sure it doesn't even apply to the scientific stack in any special way...

At the moment, we're getting people trying to use conda as the base,


and stuff falling apart at a later stage,

Still confused: conda the package manager, or Anaconda the distribution?

well, except that the anaconda index covers non-python projects like "qt",


which a private wheel index wouldn't cover (at least with the normal intended use of wheels)

umm, why not? you couldn't have a pySide wheel???


-- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception [email protected]


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